Integrando Judeus e Não Judeus de Norte a Sul do País
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What Brit Braja means?
Brit Braja means a Covenant of Blessing. This name was chosen because we are an organization that not only upholds the Brit ( the pact between God and the People of Israel) but also aims at being a blessing to others. The spelling of the organization's name may be a bit strange for English speakers because we use the Spanish rendition of the Hebrew word Bracha.
What does Brit Braja do?
Brit Braja is the first virtual Synagogue in the world. Although our local communities might be small, all services are webcast to include a larger audience. We offer religious services, Torah Study, other classes, Hebrew instruction, counseling, leadership training and much more all through the Internet. Our activities are conducted in Spanish and Portuguese.
We help people reclaim their Jewish identity in a way that would not be otherwise possible.
Is BB proselytizing?
No, we never seek people out but rather just keep a metaphorical WINDOW open (more like a portal open...) to those interested. THROUGH the window of technology people are able to learn about Judaism and contact Rabbi Cukierkorn for information, spiritual guidance, practice and study.
Why those interested in Judaism just don't go to the local Synagogues?
The Jewish reality in Latin America is very different to that found in the USA. Brit Braja is the first virtual Synagogue in the world. Although our local communities might be small, all services are webcast to include a larger audience. We offer religious services, Torah Study, other classes, Hebrew instruction, counseling, leadership training and much more all through the Internet. Our activities are conducted in Spanish and Portuguese.
We help people reclaim their Jewish identity in a way that would not be otherwise possible.
Brit Braja is the first virtual Synagogue in the world. Although our local communities might be small, all services are webcast to include a larger audience. We offer religious services, Torah Study, other classes, Hebrew instruction, counseling, leadership training and much more all through the Internet. Our activities are conducted in Spanish and Portuguese.
We help people reclaim their Jewish identity in a way that would not be other wise possible. For starters many of our congregants live in places were there is no synagogue. But even if there are, Jewish communities in Latin America tend to be very close knit and often impermeable. More often than not the local Jewish communities refuse to accept anyone who is not already Jewish.
Why the local synagogues don't help them?
It is a combination of real and imaginary security fears; a closed minded view of the world and even sometimes prejudice. Since most Jews in Latin America define themselves as Jews and not so much as nationals of their countries, they tend to want to be apart from the local populations.
Why doesn't the Joint or the WUPJ help them?
International Jewish organizations are tied in with the local Jewish communities and will not do anything to upset them.
What can I do to help?
You can help Brit Braja with your encouragement, prayer, hugs, kisses but above all... with FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Our activities are costly and currently severely under funded.
Why should I care about potential Jews in Latin America?
The Talmud says All Jews are responsible for one another (Shavuot 39a).
Now that the majority of other Jewish diaspora have been dealt with, it is time to turn our attention to this enormous group of people, some of whom desperately wish to return to the Jewish fold.
Brit Braja is helping people regain their Jewish identity. By getting involved with Brit Braja you are helping create a better and more relevant Jewish future.
How does Brit Braja make a difference in the lives of individuals and families in Latin America?
Brit Braja offers people in Latin America extensive educational opportunities as well as meaningful ways to practice Judaism.
What do people in Latin America value in the work Brit Braja is doing? People in Latin America value being accepted into a worldwide community of Jews. They value the spiritual and intellectual leadership of Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn.
How will my involvement be received by the people of Latin America?
Your involvement and support is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Jews in Latin America are eager to partner with Jews in North America in mutual efforts to make the world better. (Tikkun Olam). They would also welcome visits or other forms of contact and encouragement.
Does Brit Braja have 501(c)(3) status?
Yes. Brit Braja is a 501c3 organization. All of your contributions to Brit Braja are tax deductable.